Provident’s Secure File Upload – New Feature

At Provident, we have a duty to protect and safeguard all personally identifiable information, including health information. In the wake of increased cybersecurity hacks and breaches in the news globally, we are implementing more security initiatives and will continue to do so as new threats are identified and anticipated. These additional steps are taking place to ensure that our clients and brokers can relay important information to us as securely as possible.

Our latest initiative is a Secure File Upload feature on our website. This form is for clients, brokers, claimants, and medical providers to utilize. It allows for users to easily upload documentation to us via a secure form, instead of sending it through open email, unencrypted. This upload feature also adheres to strict HIPAA compliance. You can find our Secure File Upload link at the top of, as shown in the image below.

Once you click the Secure File Upload button on our website, you can fill out the online form (example pictured below). Once submitted, the upload will be directed to the appropriate Provident business email address.

Please let us know if you have any questions by emailing us at Again, this upload link is there to help safeguard information you send to us, and is one of the best ways to submit documents to Provident. Another option is our Secure Mail feature, you can learn more about it here. Cybersecurity continues to be a focus in 2022 and we will be adding future functionality, tips, and training webinars in the coming months!

-Provident, April 2022