Accident and Health (A&H) Insurance Examples of Coverage

Accident & Health (A&H) Insurance is a coverage that Emergency Medical Technicians need if they suffer an injury. EMTs have a demanding job. Therefore, they must have comprehensive A&H insurance coverage. This article explores the specific examples of A&H insurance coverage to help cover financial losses and ensure the financial security of EMTs in the line of duty.

How Accident and Health (A&H) Insurance Works

First, it’s critical to understand the distinction between accident insurance and health insurance. While health insurance primarily covers immediate medical treatment after an accident, accident insurance focuses on alleviating the financial burdens resulting from such incidents. These may include hospital copayments, expenses for physiotherapy, and other services that health insurance does not cover. Ultimately, these will come out-of-pocket. 

Many employers choose to obtain accident and health benefits plans for their employees to ensure comprehensive coverage. These specialized plans can overcome standard health insurance coverage limitations, providing support in childcare, transportation to medical appointments, and assistance with medical deductibles.

Depending on the employer’s financial capacity, these plans may also offer supplemental income to employees who cannot work due to an injury.

Example of A&H Insurance Coverage

Let’s explore some of the specific coverage A&H Insurance policies may offer:

Total Disability Due to Illness

A&H insurance plans may extend coverage for total Disability caused by illness. In this scenario, a weekly benefit is payable up to the age of 67 or for five years, whichever is greater. It ensures that individuals facing prolonged Disability due to illness receive financial assistance during recovery.

Total Disability Due to Injury

In the case of total Disability resulting from an injury, A&H Insurance may provide a weekly benefit payment for the lifetime of the insured individual. If the insured person becomes utterly disabled due to an accident, they may receive ongoing financial support without needing a permanent physical impairment rating to qualify for the benefit.

Permanent Physical Impairment Rating

This benefit is payable without any waiting period, ensuring that individuals with lasting impairments receive compensation to help manage their expenses and adapt to their situations.

Partial Disabilities

Similar to total Disability due to illness, a weekly benefit is payable up to the age of 67 or for five years, whichever is greater. This coverage supports individuals facing partial disabilities, enabling them to manage their financial obligations while working toward recovery.

Education Benefits

A&H Insurance plans may assist in covering educational expenses for the insured person’s dependents.

Family Expense Benefit

This benefit reimburses expenses incurred by a family member assisting in the care, such as food, gas, lodging, childcare, and even the family member’s lost wages. 

About Provident Insurance Programs

With roots dating back to 1902, Provident Insurance Programs is a program administrator that serves paid and volunteer firefighters in addition to emergency medical responders with numerous custom-tailored insurance programs. We’ve also extended our expertise and experience to offer benefit plans and coverages to participant groups as well as Transportation Benefits. We are committed to continuing to provide superior customer service, and would be happy to speak with you to provide further information. Give us a call today at (855) 201-8880 to speak with one of our representatives.