How First Responders Can Care For Themselves

How can first responders better cope with the stresses and trauma of their jobs? It is common knowledge that EMS personnel and first responders undergo considerable stress and pressure while carrying out their duties. These conditions could lead to severe physical, mental, and emotional issues, some of which could take a long time to recover. 

Thankfully, first responder assistance is offered in many states. These programs give EMS personnel and other first responders the support and therapeutic help they need to manage their issues and hopefully recover their physical and mental health. Significantly, there are scenarios where workers routinely face stressful situations. In a situation like that, first responder assistance program may be their best chance of ensuring their long-term well-being. 

Common Sources of Stress Among First Responders 

First responders face incredibly stressful situations at work due to the following: 

● Witnessing suffering

● Facing harm and injury 

● Difficult workloads

● Making life-changing decisions

● Separation from family

All these factors contribute to constant stress and pressure, which may have a cumulative effect over time. Unless properly managed, these may lead to fatigue, depression, antisocial impulses, and physical and mental issues. 

Self-Care Tips for First Responders 

First responders may be able to better cope with work-related pressures by practicing the following self-care methods: 

● Limiting work hours to no more than 12 hours

● Taking periodic breaks 

● Working in teams and limiting time spent working alone

● Sharing feelings and experiences with family, friends, coworkers, and supervisors

● Practicing breathing, meditation, and relaxation techniques

● Eating healthier 

● Getting sufficient sleep 

● Exercising regularly 

● Avoiding caffeine, alcohol, and illicit substances 

First responders should also remember to set healthy boundaries. Everyone should be comfortable about saying “no” when they feel that a particular job or situation would harm their mental or physical health. 

Getting Support From Coworkers 

Many EMS workers and first responders benefit from having a “buddy system” they can rely on for support. Ultimately, such relationships typically involve two workers partnering together and actively keeping track of each other’s workload, stress, and safety.

“Buddies” may also get to know more about each other personally, sharing backgrounds, interests, and information about their families. Likewise, the goal is to have healthy and productive exchanges that don’t revolve around work. 

These types of relationships can be beneficial to both partners in many ways. Over time, they each get to know the other’s strengths, weaknesses, and limitations, allowing them to offer support and assistance and even step in if needed. They could even help each other express personal and work-related concerns to supervisors. 


Many first responders consider their work rewarding and productive. However, immense pressure and constant stress take their toll on anyone over time. Practicing self-care, seeking support, and getting professional help could help them manage their difficulties and continue performing their functions. 

About Provident Insurance Programs

With roots dating back to 1902, Provident Insurance Programs is a program administrator that serves paid and volunteer firefighters in addition to emergency medical responders with numerous custom-tailored insurance programs. We’ve also extended our expertise and experience to offer benefit plans and coverages to participant groups as well as Transportation Benefits. We are committed to continuing to provide superior customer service, and would be happy to speak with you to provide further information. Give us a call today at (855) 201-8880 to speak with one of our representatives.