Working with EMS personnel can be an eye-opening experience, as few people get to really know about the demands of the job and the pressure these individuals face. Though your job may be to help them make insurance decisions, you can also be a wealth of information for how to avoid increased exposures to certain liabilities of their field. Burnout and mental stress are concerns that can impact job performance, but the following tips can give you insight as to how these first responders can avoid burnout.
Acknowledge the Reality
There are numerous challenges to be found when working as an EMS, but when you add in uncontrollable circumstances or things like a global pandemic, the likelihood of burnout increases. One study found that almost 49% of healthcare workers self-reported conditions of burnout follow the stress experienced during the 2020 coronavirus pandemic. When looking at EMS respondents, just under 25% of those who participated in a survey reported they had no symptoms of burnout and found joy in their work. Burnout is a real condition that impacts an individual’s ability to complete their daily responsibilities.
Burnout symptoms include:
- Decreased professional effectiveness
- Negativity or cynicism toward the job
- Feelings of exhaustion or little energy
- Increased mental and social distance from the job and coworkers
Encourage Change
As an agent, you won’t be able to change the work environment or the stresses your clients encounter. You do have the ability to encourage them to make changes on their own that could prevent burnout or help them adjust to the situations their job places them in.
Prioritize Physical Wellness
The body is more resilient to stress and burnout when it is strong and healthy. Even though EMS personnel have a fairly active job, it is important for these individuals to stay physically fit and active. Not only does exercise make the body stronger, but it also helps with mental strength. Physical activity releases endorphins, which is one of the body’s natural ways of combatting stress. Encourage your clients to eat well-balanced meals and to avoid binging on sugar-laden and carbohydrate-filled snacks.
Take Time for Family
The schedule for those working as EMS responders can be grueling. Be sure to emphasize how important it is for these individuals to take time for themselves when they aren’t on duty. Encourage spending time with friends and family but also emphasize the need to decompress. Identify things around the community or outdoor spaces where your clients can relax and let their minds take a break from their job.
Stay Vigilant
Developing a relationship with each client will make it easier for you to offer advice or insight that could help change the way someone is feeling. Stay alert to signs of burnout and encourage your clients to stay vigilant for changes in their energy, attitude or abilities. Remind them that they won’t be any good to others if they haven’t taken care of themselves first.
About Provident Insurance Programs
With roots dating back to 1902, Provident Insurance Programs is a program administrator that serves paid and volunteer firefighters in addition to emergency medical responders with numerous custom-tailored insurance programs. We’ve also extended our expertise and experience to offer benefit plans and coverages to participant groups as well as Transportation Benefits. We are committed to continuing to provide superior customer service, and would be happy to speak with you to provide further information. Give us a call today at (855) 201-8880 to speak with one of our representatives.